Sunday, February 2, 2014

Skip it if you don't want to hear the frustration!

You can skip this posting if you don’t want to hear the angst. I can rant without guilt because I’ve told you that it is perfectly all right to ignore it.

Remember the part about “if the technology works”? Well, Saturday, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (which incidentally has free wi-fi, something unheard of in the posher hotels) I began to write the 2nd posting of the blog. I had my iPad along and was working on that except that some of the commands are different and there are not so many options and, most of all, I had never used it to do something rather complex. At any rate, it was a frustrating 90 minute experience after which I had nothing. 

I returned to the hotel and signed on to the internet there which did not work. I went to the front desk and explained the problem and they assured me that they would deduct the charge from my bill. “But first, I’ll reset it and see if that fixes the problem,” said the person at the desk. It didn’t. The next advice was to descent to the lobby and try the FREE wi-fi there. 

I’ve yet to decipher the reasoning behind providing free wi-fi to anyone who walks in, but the paying customers have to pay. Perhaps it will be revealed to me at some point in time. I, however, doubt it. 

That fix did nothing to improve the service. I gave up and went to the theater to see “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” which was a delight if one revels in English, over the top comedy.

I’m nothing if not determined when technology goes awry. Therefore, after a late dinner I returned to my room determined to finish the blog. Nothing had improved. After another hour or so, I was finally exhausted enough to fall asleep, having walked a considerable number of miles on the streets of New York that day.

The Presentation of Our Lord was celebrated with great solemnity and beautiful music at St. Thomas Church. I love the boys’ choir. 

Hurrying back to the hotel so I could meet my car to airport I was amazed at the crowds of busses. Along 53rd street there were two solid blocks of busses from 5th to 7th Avenues. If you’ve been to New York you know that the east/west blocks are long. I assume these were waiting to collect passengers for the big game in New Jersey. The estimate was it would take an hour just to get through the tunnel(s). People have all day to get to the game. I wonder what it will be like when everyone wants to leave at the same time!

The limo sent by the airline was to pick me up at 1:30. I was standing on the curb at 1:15 because the drivers are usually early and I didn’t want to have the driver encounter any traffic problem that would hinder progress. 

As each limo pulled up I inquired if they were looking for me. None were! I had lost a little sleep over this whole procedure.  The airline assured me that I would not have to have an email confirmation of the pick-up. They also offered no assurance through text or phone call that the limo was on the way. Twenty minutes after the scheduled time the doorman was concerned about my situation and offered to call (which would have just been answered by an endless menu of options, non of which would have been of any benefit.). He and I agreed that I should take a taxi which he then procured for me. After we had driven several blocks, the airline called to inform me the limo had been given the wrong address. Instead of 244 West 49th, it was waiting for me at 244 West 29th. 

I was met at check-in by several solicitous persons who assured me that my taxi fare would be refunded after they “had been open long enough to make some money.” I did suggest that they should assure the passenger by text, email, or phone call that the car was at least on the way.

Now, I’ve been relaxing over a glass of rather nice Israeli sauvignon blanc and a few tasty tidbits in the lounge that has been totally mine. It nice and quiet and I’m seriously considering a nap. It’s about two hours from take off. My mood has considerably improved. The complimentary wi-fi allowed me to post yesterdays “stuff.” All is now well. 

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