Saturday, August 7, 2021

I Wonder

The older I get the more I wonder about certain things. I’m selective about that which I wonder. I’m not capable of wondering about everything. That leaves some things for others to wonder about! ¶ I wonder how Sophia cat can be comfortable sleeping with her body pointed in three different directions at the same time. The head faces one way, the front part of the body faces another, and the hindquarters and tail face yet a third direction. If I even tried to get in such a position the paramedics would have to come to my rescue.
¶ I wonder why so many people on motorcycles travel to Sturgis for the annual event there in the midst of a pandemic. I know this is an annual thing. I know that the attendees like to come to South Dakota because we have no helmet law. I know we will never have such a law because that would the be death knell for the rally. The rally is currently underway and people are not only helmet-less but mask-less. Last years event was deemed a “super spreader.” This year we have the Delta variant which spreads more easily. The governor of South Dakota says we have freedoms here because she trusts us to make our own decisions about our health. I wonder. ¶ I wonder how the aforementioned governor feels about her new aircraft. She so desperately wanted a jet and she got a prop instead. It was reported that her previous plane needed replacement, and this is according to the Argus Leader, it had ash trays and the overhead panels containing the oxygen masks would sometimes open if bumped. Both of these flaws justified the expenditure of $5 million plus. I wonder.
¶ I wonder about the amaryllis. They literally appear overnight. I don’t recall seeing anything of them yesterday. Today the front garden has tall amaryllis ready to bloom. You might remember that I’ve mentioned them before. In the spring there are leaves resembling those of day lilies. They turn brown and I cut them off. Now, months later, these tall stems appear with lily-like flowers atop each of them. It’s always a nice surprise. ¶ Sweet potato vines are another surprise. They flourish and I enjoy their lush foliage. Then, one day and totally unexpected a blossom or two will appear. That is also a nice surprise. ¶ I wonder when the landscapers will finally appear. This past week the utility marking companies came and left. A phone call on Friday brought news that the weather, sick crew, wounded foreman (choose one of these options) prevented the arrival of the actual workers. They will surely arrive next week according to the “master” plan. This plan, by the way, only exists in the imagination of the one who speaks about all the excuses.
¶ Several hours have been spent at the console in preparation for the Sunday services. And now, even more time will be spent preparing for a funeral on Tuesday. Hopefully, there will be only one, funeral that is, before the return of the “real” organist. It is good discipline. This causes me to practice rather than just think about practicing. I am very good about just thinking about it until “push comes to shove!” ¶ Weeding in the garden is my other major occupation of late. I also achieved a sunburn on my bald head due to failure to wear a head covering. Hopefully, I’ve learned to cover my noggin when outside. I wonder. ¶ I’ve felt very well all week with enough energy to do the things I should. My daily walks help keep up my energy level, I tell myself. Self-convincing seems to work. ¶ Now I’m off to conduct another building tour of the Pavilion for a reunion group. ¶ Thank you for your constant concern, your prayers and thoughts, and for all you do for others and for me.

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