Saturday, August 14, 2021

I Don’t Believe It!

Last week I wrote the the landscapers promised to show up this week. They actually did! Tuesday morning bright and early the roar of two trucks was heard. The workers jumped out eager to begin the task at hand. After a conference with the supervisor they went right to work.
¶ The sod is gone, some tired evergreens have disappeared, the “nearly wild” roses were uprooted, new roses planted, some grasses along the east side have found a home, and a new tree installed. It just took a day. Well, almost, since the tree had to be located and collected and a proper hole dug, but it was installed the next morning as promised. ¶ The whole thing looks very nice. There is an area in the center designed for me to add perennials of my choice. That’s was the design on the other side as well, years ago. I’ll still have to mow a strip along the east side, but I can do that. Now plans must be made for the planting. Currently some of the plants are sitting in pots awaiting the master plan, if there is one, and the ambition to plant them. ¶ The west side of the front garden is lush and green with some color from the amaryllis and the petunias. The bush clematis is about to bloom which will create a carpet of blue.
¶ The current outrage in the state of South Dakota is the state Board of Education’s plan to drop several items from the curriculum concerning Native American culture and history. I know that my -elementary education concerning the state began with the arrival of the white settlers. I don’t recall the Native American heritage of the state being brought up in school until I was in college. I truly believe my education was poorer for not being exposed to the rich culture that existed here before my relatives arrived. I am thankful for Native American friends who have helped me to understand and appreciate their culture. I am grieved that current students may be kept in the dark as I was if the current plan is approved. I am not sure what the Board of Education is trying to do with their proposal. It seems to me that it will only encourage the rampant racism already present and all too obvious in this state. ¶ The fruits of misinformation are hitting us in the face. The COVID-19 numbers which were going down are now rising rapidly. The reason is the Delta variant and the refusal by many to be vaccinated. The whole business about masks is too silly to even deserve a comment. It is tragic that children will have to suffer because of the stubbornness of their parents and some elected officials.
¶ My time at the console is nearly complete. I’ve sat there every day this week. Tomorrow will be the last service for a while. I do enjoy the challenge. It is rewarding to reap the fruits of practice. Beginning to learn a new piece of music may be difficult. Actually hearing that composition after some hard work is rewarding. I am grateful for the opportunity. ¶ The week has gone very well and time has flown. Monday begins another week of chemotherapy. I am confident that the time will go by without incident. The staff at the Cancer Center is wonderful. I look forward to seeing them again. ¶ Thank you for reading. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts and encouragement. Thank you for helping others.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Warren, your yard looks so very nice. Guess it was worth the wait right? Glad your last CT scan showed nothing new. Dick & I send healing prayers your way! πŸ™πŸ™
    Take care and pray for rain. We are so dry in Madison.
