Saturday, May 2, 2020

Spring and Summer all in one week!

It really has been a lovely week weather-wise.  Temperatures in the 50s and 60s and then, all of sudden 85! Needless to say with the warm weather things are growing.  It is such a hopeful sign to see the leaves coming out on the trees. The daffodils are finished. Other plants are growing. Some of the birds are back.

There is a birdhouse hanging above the lower level deck to which Sophia gives lot of attention this time of year. The little birds who use it are quite noisy. She considers the deck a part of her territory so the birds intruding are not particularly welcome, unless she could catch them, but she can’t. Too bad, Sophia, that screen door prevents you from fulfilling your essential catness. 

The yard is mostly cleaned up and ready to go for the season. A trip to the dump is upcoming on Monday which will relieve the garage of several bags of leaves, branches and other “stuff.”

My personal IT helper checking on the wires behind the computer.
This was my “on” week for chemotherapy.  I am being given hycamtin currently.  The first round was given orally so it had to go through my gastro-intestinal system. I had several problems with the nausea, dizziness (possibly caused by the chemo or the anti-nausea meds.  I fell several times and was really nervous about going up and down the stairs. This time the oncologist suggested we try taking the medication by IV. This has worked much better.  I’ve had no nausea and have felt fine.  It does involve going in five consecutive days for the infusion.  I’d rather do that than suffer the consequences of the taking it orally. The infusion is short, only thirty minutes after the medicine arrives so I’m usually in and out in 1.5 hours.

My lovely white curls are now all gone. That’s one of the side effects. That means seldom shaving (which is fine) and no time spent on dealing with the hair style!

I have a clothes washer once again which is a plus. It’s nice to have everything working. I like it when everything works.

On the first of May I found a May basket on my front porch.  What a nice gesture.  It’s been many years since I received a May basket.  And it’s filled with chocolate which makes it more special!

Our Benedictine group met again by Zoom on Tuesday evening. It was wonderful to have people from Arizona, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Colorado, South Dakota and North Carolina all joining together.  That’s something that would not have happened months ago.  Necessity is not only the mother of invention but the creator of some unbelievable things!

Other than my daily trip to the Speciality Hospital, some yard work, reading, etc. that’s about it for what has been going on around here.  I at least get out of the house for the daily hospital trip and that is very pleasant I must say. I investigated different ways of getting there and returning so I’m doing some sight-seeing on the way to and fro.

Thanks for reading and for your comments. It’s good to know that the prayers are continual. They are my source of strength. I’m grateful.
If only I could get out!


  1. Wow...just got caught up with your blogs. You have kept much busier than I could have imagined! Considering all you have to manage week to week and day to day, we are glad you are experiencing those better days! Your blogs are certainly an inspiration.I am amazed and amused at what an "author" you are. Even the cat pictures are very entertaining! I recently put together a couple loaves of banana bread and still have one in the freezer. Would like to drop that off at your is Grandma Matilda's recipe, although much different in the result I am sure! Just text if you are available. :)

  2. I only now have your blog, and I want you to know that I have had you in my prayers for a long time.
