Saturday, August 6, 2022

See-Sawing Through the Week

Remember those playground see-saws? One always had to chose a reliable partner lest the one chosen choose to depart without notice when one was at the top of the contraption. Unreliable partners enjoyed seeing you crash down to the ground with a resounding thump and related cry of pain. The week’s weather reminded me of a see-saw. We had miserably hot days interspersed with some quite pleasant ones. Today, for instance, it is cloudy with rain intermittently, and only 73º, versus yesterday with 95+º. ¶ Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration. Some of the Biblical events commemorated on the calendar of the Church bring back a flood of memories. No, I was not there at the original event. A couple of thousand years later I did visit the location. Scripture says Jesus took his three favorite apostles up to a very high mountain. Very high mountains are not prevalent in the Holy Land. Mount Tabor is quite high compared to the surrounding territory. We had to trade our small bus for an even smaller vehicle in order to navigate the switchbacks on the way to the top. After the trip up, I was not looking forward to the return. Like Peter, I would have chosen to stay at the top. ¶ I looked back at my blog from the day we went to the Mount of the Transfiguration. I wrote: “There are viewing platforms outside the church on both sides where one can take advantage of the miles’ long vista. It is truly in credible. I have no idea how long it would take or what it would be like to walk up this mountain. What took place here is beyond normal human comprehension. It is an overpowering experience to be here where Peter, James, John, Moses and Elijah all gathered around the Savior.” ¶ The attached picture a view from Mt. Tabor.
¶ Thursday AM was spent at the Cancer Center with Labs at 8:00 and my infusion following. I left at 11:30. All seemed well except for my sodium being a little low. So the oncologist increased my intake to six grams per day from four. No new repercussions from the chemo. I seem to tolerate it well, which is a good thing. There are some problems with the steroids, like lack of sleep, but I can cope.
¶ The garden continues to thrive with some lovely day lilies in various colors showing their beauty each day. There is one very unusual one that, seemingly, does not belong to the day lily family, but it does. I guess no one ever told it was different. That’s the way it is with a lot of things in today’s world. People, for instance, don’t know they are different unless someone tells them they are. ¶ Thanks for reading, for prayers, and thoughts and kind things you do. You are appreciated.

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