Saturday, August 20, 2022

From a Wise Friend

Quote from a Facebook post by a wise friend: “The No. 1 reason why America never learns from its history is that America never teaches its real history.” Well said, I say. ¶ I realize that my own knowledge of American History is sadly lacking through no fault of my teachers. The study of World History and particularly of European History was much more fascinating. Perhaps my background in music was a contributing factor. Even Music History was much more Eurocentric. I do not recall that such distinctly American forms such as jazz were even mentioned. When considered in the greater scheme of things American History was a very minuscule part of my education. In retrospect my last course in American History was in high school and that was a very long time ago.
¶ The week has gone very well. My energy level has been good, if not excellent on some days. My “fat ankles” continue to plague me. Even on the days I take my water pill they seem to swell up. I’ll see the oncologist on Thursday when I have my labs and infusion and all will be revealed—more or less. ¶ Yesterday was a busy day. Friday is my standing appointment at the Pavilion of Arts and Science. That kept me occupied until 1 PM. As I exited my car at the Cathedral parking lot my thought was that I wouldn’t need my umbrella. The thought was erroneous. About noon it began to rain. I was pretty thoroughly wet when I returned to the car. Who knows how many weeks an umbrella was in my case with my collection of magazines except for yesterday when it wasn’t.
¶ At 2:00 the church began preparation for serving The Banquet. This time around I volunteered to cook so was there until 5. It has been since the COVID thing that I’ve not volunteered. It was very good to be back. It is a wonderful ministry done strictly for the benefit of those who are hungry. ¶ Today was given over to marketing. By the time the tasks were completed two hours had passed and countless dollars in shopping as well as fuel for the auto. After much research I’ve found that it is much easier to go to Brandon to shop at the gardens.
¶ The growth of this city is truly amazing. I had not been south for several weeks. Whole towns grow up every few weeks. Apartment blocks sprout where there was once corn or soybeans. These are not six or eight apartments but fifty or more. Still there is a housing shortage. When I came here to attend college the population was 55,000. It is now 202,000. Amazing! The rains have been well timed. Traveling through what is left of the rural area east and north, everything is beautifully green. ¶ The gardens continue to do well. There are new blooms nearly every day. Sophia monitors the squirrel and rabbit situation. She doesn’t do anything to keep the critters away but finds it fascinating to watch them. Compliments of a squirrel who purloined some bird feed, we now have a sunflower taking up residence in one of the planters on the deck. There is always something new. ¶ Thank you for reading. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping in touch. Thank you for all you do for others.

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