Sunday, September 29, 2019

I knew I’d forgotten something.

Sorry, faithful readers, but I totally forgot about posting yesterday. It was not that the week had been particularly trying or that I was that busy. I just plain forgot.  One might blame old age or “chemo” brain or any number of things.  I just forgot.

The week just past was devoted to the third round of chemotherapy.  Not Sunday, however.  Singing in the choir on Sunday morning is something I’ve come to enjoy. Sunday afternoon I picked up a friend and enjoyed the Rawlins Piano Trio, a University of South Dakota based group. They play superbly. The first half was really “trio” with two contemporary numbers one of which was quite jazzy and fun. They were joined in the second half by a visiting Romanian violinist for a Brahm’s Piano Quartet quite superbly performed.

It’s sometimes surprisingly hard to get me to budge out of the house on Sunday afternoon. There are times when I finally get going that I really enjoy hearing some of the wonderful performing groups we have available to us here.

Monday there was a surprise visit from my friend Moses who had flown into town for a short time.  It’s always good to see him. I’m so happy he and his mentor Rhonda stopped by to visit.

Tuesday was the first day of chemo preceded by accessing the “port” and blood work.  A short appointment with the oncologist gave me the good news that my sodium has returned to a normal level. No more fluid restrictions as long as I don’t go overboard!  One becomes quite thrilled with the little things in life, like not having to measure the amount of liquid one consumes. According to the doctor the sodium level is an indication that the chemo is doing its job.

Then off to the infusion room for the days liquid intake by IV. This weeks course of treatment was considerably shorter each day. On Tuesday I had one hour long bag of chemicals and two half hour bags. (This is the way I measure the medicine, by the length of time the “drip” takes.) On Wednesday and Thursday  I had an hour bag each day.  The previous infusions were twice as long. Two of the days I had company which also makes the time fly by.

October 8, I will have a CT scan to check on how things are going. The prediction right now is that I will have one more round of chemo during the week of October 14th through 18th.  Then we’ll find out what is next.

Yet again I’ve had no ill effects from the chemo other than my bald head. For this I am very grateful.

I did get a little exercise in on Friday and Saturday, but not much.  I find that lack of exercise wears me down more than the chemo does.

Saturday night I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at a friend’s home with a most decadent desert!  Superb!

It was a good week. Thanks be to God.

I blogged about the realization I had that it was OK to ask for help when people offered to do things for me.  I receive a quotation from Henri Nouwen in an email each day (he’s long dead but his writing lives on). I thought this one was particularly well stated given my realization of “community through helpfulness.”

“Our weakness and old age call people to surround us and support us. By not resisting weakness and by gratefully receiving another’s care we call forth community and provide our caregivers an opportunity to give their own gifts of compassion, care, love, and service. As we are given into their hands, others are blessed and enriched by caring for us. Our weakness bears fruit in their lives.”  Henri Nouwen


It’s time for me to get ready to go to Calvary Cathedral. Today is the anniversary of my ordinations — 38 years as a deacon, and 37 years as a priest. I can’t believe it’s been that long.  The Dean of the Cathedral is allowing me to celebrate the 10 AM Eucharist so I can be at the altar on this occasion.  I’m so grateful for this parish community who is supporting me with their prayers.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and good wishes. They mean the world to me!

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