Saturday, May 7, 2022


Finally we had a warm day with sunshine and…wind.
¶ According to the measuring devices it reached 75º today. The flowers have longed for a day when they could begin to show forth their beauty and they really came forth today. Some of the daffodils finally opened, there are tulips ready to pop. The roses are putting forth a lot of green leaves as is Mrs. Robert Brydon who seems happy with her new location. She has much more room to spread which she will enjoy, given that is her nature. ¶ The Metropolitan Opera’s high definition theater event was today. Turandot was the presentation and it was marvelously performed. This opera is such a stunning piece of grand opera. Being able to see the back stage work during the intermissions is a special treat as well as the interviews with the stars and others. This opera, which has such monumental stage settings certainly requires all hands on deck to put it together. It’s even more amazing to think that all the hard work of this afternoon has to go away so a different opera can be presented this evening.
¶ Next week we will have reached the magical date beyond which we can safely plant things in South Dakota. It really hasn’t frozen for the last few nights. That doesn’t mean that it won’t between now and the wondrous date, however. ¶ The week has gone well. The nausea factor about which I complained last week pretty well disappeared this week. Friday morning I had my MRI in preparation for Monday of next week. That will be my third time of undergoing the Gamma Knife. The doctor was concerned about one spot that showed up next to a previously treated lesion. This time the MRI showed that said lesion had enlarged somewhat so it is definitely a new comer. ¶ Thursday will be chemo day again. I keep hoping that things will go better this time. Perhaps I was too anxious about starting with a new drug. I’m going to try to have a positive attitude.
¶ The attached photo will show you how convenient it is to have a cat around whilst engaged in a sewing project. So far this week Sophia has tipped over the ironing board, managed to dump the pins on the floor and has chosen to sleep on the material. All of this she is sure that I find very helpful. This is in addition to the hair she has deposited on the fabric and the ironing board cover. I’m sure she means well. ¶ Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, all of your kind acts, and all the kindnesses shown to others.

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