Saturday, August 28, 2021

Two Dawns Today

I do enjoy the dawn of a new day, particularly a bright one. Today we had a rather nice dawn this morning. This afternoon darkness descended with ominous threats of severe weather. It literally became nearly as dark as night. The continuous rumbling of thunder far away caused one to think that we actually might have a storm. There were some wind gusts, tornado warnings, ping-pong ball sized hail warnings. The music station to which I listen is Minnesota Public Radio and there were so many interruptions for weather reports that I just ceased to listen. ¶ We had some rain and some wind and now the sun shineth once more. As “they” say in South Dakota, if you don’t like the weather wait a few minutes. It is true.
¶ I’d never considered myself a writer. I’ve taught children to write, not handwriting, but writing. I guess I’ve written most of my life. After nearly 38 years as a priest I’ve written two or three sermons. When I’ve traveled and throughout the two years of this cancer pilgrimage I’ve written every week. When I stop to think about it, I guess I am a writer. What I’ve not done, for myself, is to actually think about how writing reveals our true nature. ¶ This past week, one of Henri Nouwen’s meditations dealt with this very thing. I’ll share it with you. ¶ “Writing Reveals What is Alive in Us ¶ Writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals to us what is alive in us. The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens up new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know. Thus, writing requires a real act of trust. We have to say to ourselves: “I do not yet know what I carry in my heart, but I trust that it will emerge as I write.” Writing is like giving away the few loaves and fishes one has, trusting that they will multiply in the giving. Once we dare to “give away” on paper the few thoughts that come to us, we start discovering how much is hidden underneath these thoughts and gradually come in touch with our own riches.” ¶ This week has been very nice. I’ve had time to share with friends, some of whom I’ve not seen in a long time. I’ve felt well, have kept up my exercise schedule, and succeeded my goals most days. ¶ My friend planted some moss roses in the front garden. They looked rather sad as very little plants amongst the stones. Bloom they did, sending forth lovely orange flowers. One of many things that exceed our expectations. One of many things that give us joy.
¶ Cats do sleep a lot. Some experts say up to 20 hours per day. Sophia takes her “big” nap in the afternoon. The rest of the day she enjoys “cat naps.” In the afternoon she chooses not to be disturbed. Her chosen place for her “big” nap is on top of the cabinets in the basement. It’s cool down there and, unless you know she’s there, she becomes pretty much invisible. That’s the way she likes it. ¶ If I’ve been away, she often retires to the basement because she’s bored. When she hears the garage door she heads for the top of the stairs. This is just a show so that I will believe that she has longingly waited for me to return, and please scratch my head. It’s a game and I play it with her. ¶ I hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for your emails, cards, prayers and thoughts. Thank you for all those things you do for others.

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