Saturday, July 3, 2021

A New Thing

It seems like a such a long time. When one hasn’t done something for a while it can feel like a new thing. This week I actually went out for lunch. I went out for lunch in a restaurant. There were other people around. There were menus. It all seemed like such a new thing after months of avoiding public places and other people. It was pleasant. ¶ I met two of the many teachers with whom I taught in past years. We’ve stayed in touch. One of them, sadly, has some obvious memory slips but she socializes very well. It was so good to see them and have a chance to visit. It was a pleasure to make a choice from a menu and have luncheon served rather than having a bag thrown at me from a drive-through window.
¶ It brought to mind the countless times we ignore the little things in everyday life that bring us pleasure. How often we do not even think about these things. It has to do with living our lives in a thankful spirit, with being grateful for small things, with taking time to admire a flower and wonder at its beauty, with enjoying a cool breeze at the end of a hot day, with a quick visit with a neighbor, with anything that brings us some measure of joy. ¶ The American Guild of Organists is an organization of, well, organists. Belonging to an organization of like-minded or like-interested persons brings some rewards. One of the perks of the AGO, as it is known amongst members, is the opportunity to hear others play. It seems that there is always something that can inspire one to listen more closely, to learn a new piece of music, or to become awestruck by something not deemed possible. ¶ Every summer there is a regional or national meeting of the AGO. This year, as last, the COVID thing has prevented that from happening.
Instead of traveling to another location, the organization has done the traveling by assembling programs of outstanding organists throughout the USA. The program I watched a few evenings ago had wonderful performers. The “frosting on the cake” was a sixth grader who displayed an incredible talent. I did not even start on the organ until seventh grade! My teacher said my legs needed to be long enough to reach the pedals. Hearing the young organist was one of those things for which I am grateful this week. ¶ The plants are all growing nicely with the hot weather and the water bestowed upon them from the hose or the clouds. The flowering kale is doing particularly well. Growing even more profusely are the weeds which require as much attention as one is willing to bestow upon them. A couple of mornings this week were devoted to their eradication. It’s best to do it early before the temps rise excessively. ¶ The back garden is given mostly to “green” things such as hostas. A few flowering things have been added this year by my friendly garden helper. It does perk things up a bit to see a few splashes of color.
¶ Sophia has been irritated by some particularly noisy birds that have occupied our birdhouse. I suspect that there are young ones therein since mom/dad make several trips in with delectables hanging from their beaks. They can do a perfectly fine job of hollering at me while continuing to hold on to their current treasure. I understand that I am supposed to feel properly chastised. ¶ It has been a good week. I’m thankful for all that I am able to do. The time spent at the console last Sunday went fine. This week it is altar and pulpit duty. Keyboard time has been supplanted with study and homily writing. Next week will find me back at the Prairie Center for chemo. ¶ Thanks for reading, for thoughts, for prayers, for messages, for all you do. I am grateful.

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