Saturday, September 25, 2021

Not to Worry

Last week I expressed my worry-wart thoughts about the upcoming MRI. I awakened bright and early on Wednesday morning. Well, not so bright. At 4 AM things are not too bright. The arrival at the imaging center was right on time. I waited a few minutes until Jason, RN, fetched me to access my port. The everlasting search for betadine began. I am evidently allergic to the alcohol based cleaner the nurs
e usually uses to clean the port area. The alternative is betadine. It gives your skin a nice healthy glow. It actually doesn't look all that healthy, but it works. ¶ Then it was off to the infernal machine. My head was locked in after the ear plugs and sponges were positioned. Then the racket began. Thirty-five minutes later it was all over. After my port was deaccessed I was on my way home. ¶ Back to the Cancer Center at 11:30 for my appointment with Erik the Red. After the usual run-through with the nurse, he appeared. He really does need a haircut. The news was excellent. There is no further involvement in the brain and the main lesion appears now to be a scar rather than something alive and growing. ¶ The relief was tremendous. As he explained, every small cell cancer is different and predictions really can't be made as to how it will metastasize. For the time being, at any rate, it has decided to avoid my brain. I am grateful. ¶It seems to have been a busy week although I can't say exactly what kept me busy. The stacks still remain on the desk only to have increased in size. My friendly gardener has dealt with the weeds to the point that they seemingly no longer exist. I'm sure they will return however. A little planting was done, a hosta, some iris, and a veronica. There is still plenty of room in the new lanscaped area but will not be for long when the 150 or so bulbs arrive. I think I will have some to share.
¶ Today is just a perfectly beautiful day. It began rather chilly but by now (4:00) it has warmed up nicely. I walked over to Wetminster Presbyterian Church for a chamber music recital this afternoon and the stroll was lovely as was the concert. ¶ Some of the contortions achieved by Sophia cause one to wonder if it is really she who is present or some otherworldly being. If one goes by the coloration the images could be related to Sophia. Otherwise it appears to be only a collection of legs and tail. ¶Thank you for your prayers, concerns and thoughts. Thank you for reading. Thank you for all you do for me, and for others. I hope your week was as good as mine.

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